Desert Causes

"One voice can make a difference" - or so they say. Everywhere in the world, there are events and circumstances where each of us can make a difference - even if it is for something as simple as passing it along. Heard of a cause? I will post it. Send an e-mail to Let me know the progress.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Calling Bidoon Friends

Dear Friends,

Within the next several months, a representative of Refugees International ( will be here in Kuwait. Refugees International has expanded it's scope to include stateless people around the world.

I would like to ask for your help. We are trying to arrange for the representative to talk to Bidoon people while she is here. We believe that the more personal stories she hears and the more data she can collect, the more it will help the Bidoon cause.

If you would like to meet with the representative while she is here, please e-mail me at All information will be kept in strict confidence. You don't have to provide your name - just give me an e-mail address and I will send her contact information as I get it.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Become an Organ Donor in Kuwait

I recently contacted the Kuwait Transplant Society (phone 252-0147 or 252-0230) to find out how to become an organ donor in Kuwait. I'm an organ donor in the US and it says so right on my drivers license. With all the traffic accidents here, it is better to give someone else the gift of life incase God forbid something happens. You have to call or write the transplant society and they will send you a card to be witnessed and sent back to them. The VP of the KTS is Dr. Mustafa Al-Mousawi and his email is DRMOSAWI@YAHOO.COM. Very nice guy.